Testonon 400mg/10ml – SIS Labs


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  • Testosterone Acetate 20mg/ml
  • Testosterone Propionate 30mg/ml
  • Testosterone PhenylPropionate 30mg/ml
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  • 10ml Sterile Multidose Vial


Testonon 400mg/10ml is a blend of four different testosterone esters, designed to provide both immediate and long-lasting effects. Produced by SIS Labs, a reputable name in the performance-enhancing drug industry, Testonon combines the following esters:

  1. Testosterone Propionate: Fast-acting, with a short half-life.
  2. Testosterone Phenylpropionate: Slightly longer half-life than propionate.
  3. Testosterone Isocaproate: Provides a sustained release.
  4. Testosterone Decanoate: Long-lasting effects, ensuring stable testosterone levels over time.

This combination ensures that Testonon offers immediate benefits while maintaining elevated testosterone levels for an extended period.

Testonon Effects

The primary effects of Testonon 400mg/10ml include:

Enhanced Muscle Mass

Testonon is highly effective in promoting muscle hypertrophy. The elevated testosterone levels stimulate protein synthesis, enabling rapid muscle growth.

Increased Strength

Users report significant improvements in strength, allowing for more intense and productive training sessions.

Improved Recovery

Testonon accelerates recovery times, reducing muscle soreness and fatigue. This means you can train harder and more frequently without overtraining.

Boosted Libido

Enhanced libido and sexual performance are common benefits due to elevated testosterone levels.

Enhanced Mood and Energy Levels

Testonon can improve overall well-being, increasing energy levels, and reducing feelings of fatigue.

A Testonon 400mg Cycle

A typical Testonon cycle lasts between 8-12 weeks, depending on your experience level and goals.


For those new to anabolic steroids, a cycle of 8 weeks is advisable. A common dosage is 400mg per week, split into two injections of 200mg each.

Intermediate Users

Intermediate users may opt for a 10-week cycle, with a weekly dosage of 500-600mg. Splitting the dosage into two or three injections per week is recommended.

Advanced Users

Advanced bodybuilders may run a 12-week cycle, with dosages ranging from 700-1000mg per week. Again, splitting the dosage is crucial to maintain stable blood levels.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Post Cycle Therapy is essential after completing a Testonon cycle to restore natural testosterone production and mitigate potential side effects. Common PCT protocols include the use of SERMs like Clomid or Nolvadex for 4-6 weeks.


The appropriate dosage of Testonon 400mg/10ml varies based on individual goals and experience levels.

  • Beginners: 200-400mg per week
  • Intermediate: 500-600mg per week
  • Advanced: 700-1000mg per week

It’s essential to monitor your body’s response and adjust dosages accordingly. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any steroid cycle is highly recommended.

Side Effects

While Testonon offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects.

Estrogenic Side Effects

Testonon can convert to estrogen, leading to side effects such as gynecomastia (development of breast tissue in men) and water retention. Using an aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Arimidex can mitigate these effects.

Androgenic Side Effects

Potential androgenic side effects include acne, oily skin, and hair loss. Those predisposed to male pattern baldness should exercise caution.

Cardiovascular Effects

Elevated cholesterol levels and increased blood pressure are possible. Maintaining a heart-healthy diet and regular cardiovascular exercise can help manage these side effects.

Suppression of Natural Testosterone

Testonon suppresses natural testosterone production, making Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) crucial for restoring hormone balance.

Liver Toxicity

While Testonon is not hepatotoxic, it’s essential to avoid excessive alcohol consumption and other liver-stressing substances during the cycle.


User reviews of Testonon 400mg/10ml are generally positive. Here’s what some users have to say:

John D.

“I’ve been using Testonon for the past 8 weeks, and the results are incredible. My strength has skyrocketed, and I’ve gained 10 pounds of lean muscle. Highly recommend!”

Sarah K.

“As a female bodybuilder, I was cautious about using steroids. Testonon exceeded my expectations, offering noticeable gains with minimal side effects. Make sure to follow a proper PCT.”

Michael B.

“Testonon 400mg/10ml has been a game-changer for me. The blend of esters provides a consistent release of testosterone, making it perfect for my bulking cycles.”